Saturday, January 21, 2006

She's wife number 5 of 8. She said it's the ultimate in feminism

Joseph Smith officially revealed the doctrine of polygamy in 1843 though it is suggested that he received it much earlier and may have married his first polygamous wife in 1835, only 5 years after the church was established.

...... His wife was never very stoked on the idea, and there is some discussion about the extent to which she knew what was going on with it.

.........It is ...overly taxing for the men and confusing for the children.

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I just heard an interview on NPR's "This American Life"

with Elizabeth Joseph, a polygamist.

She's wife number 5 of 8. She said it's the ultimate in feminism --

she got to go to law school, and most of the women work and one of the wives watches all the kids. They have the most fun, she says, when the husband goes out of town and they have margarita night.

Margarita night and Mormonism. Check it OUT.

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