Friday, January 20, 2006

Arkive: petulant woman-child unwilling or incapable of accepting responsibility for her own happiness and success

Z'escrap: January 2005 see for full posting of all discussions

you STILL have no idea of the anger, the hatred, the vengeance and the pain so many otherwise attractive and available women are afflicted with. It is an epidemic of conflict and self-distortion that begins and ends with an impenetrable sense of entitlement, based on a false sense of victimhood, and for which not just any man but every man must pay forever for the restoration that's never good enough. The "feminist" demand runs from fathers to brothers to sons and husbands, to their friends and acquaintances and chance encounters; it is endless. "I am woman, hear me roar" has produced a psychological wasteland

Arkive: petulant woman-child unwilling or incapable of accepting responsibility for her own happiness and success
InstaPundit: An online magazine of opinion!

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