Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Women who are good at things that men respect are respected by men, and they tend to like men because they have things in common.

...So are feminists.

A feminist sees men exactly as anti-Semites see Jews. ...—the same template, the same bottle but with different wine. She has a more hair-trigger anger (“Men are sexist pigs”) because she can get away with it, a more bellicose incivility for the same reason,


feminists are clueless about men. ...


They have struck me, without exception that comes to mind, as fitting a peculiar mold: bright, very hostile and combative, but physically timid and pampered, hothouse flowers really, usually from fairly moneyed families and often Ivy or semi-Ivy schools.

Often they have done little outside of feminism and would be helpless out of an urban setting. They have no idea how anything around them works—what a cam lobe is, how a refrigerator makes things cold, or how a file-allocation table might be arranged.......

degrees run to ideologizable pseudosubjects such as sociology, psychology, or Women’s Studies.

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